The Bad News is a story from Alvin Schwartz's More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Like all the stories near the end of the books, this one is meant to be comedic. Based on a tale from Constance Paras in the Winchester Thurston School in Pennsylvania.
The Story
Leon and Todd loved baseball. When they were young, they had played on the town's baseball team. Leon had been the pitcher and Todd had played second base. Now that they were alot older, they spent their free time watching baseball games on TV and talking about baseball.
"You think they play baseball in heaven?" Leon asked Todd one day. "That's a good question" said Todd. "The one who gets there first should let the other one know somehow". As it turned out, Todd got to heaven first and Leon waited patiently to hear from him. One day, Leon found Todd sitting in the living room waiting for him. Leon was very excited to see him. "Well, what is it like up there?" he asked. "And what about baseball?"
"When it comes to baseball" said Todd, "I have some good news and I have some bad news. The good news is that we do play baseball in heaven. We have some fine teams. I play second base on my team just like I used to in the old days. That's the good news". "What's the bad news?" asked Leon. "The bad news" said Todd "is that you are scheduled to pitch tomorrow".