Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Wiki

Just Delicious is a story about a woman who is preparing a meal for her husband, but her dire actions soon have serious consequences. The story appears in Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill your Bones. A retelling of a story featured in Louis C. Jones' "Things That Go Bump in the Night."

Just Delicious
ScaryStories3 5


George Flint loved to eat. Each day at noon he closed his camera shop for two hours and went home for a big lunch his wife Mina cooked for him. George was a bully, and Mina was a timid woman who did everything he asked because she was afraid of him.

On his way home for lunch one day, George stopped at the butcher shop and bought a pound of liver. He loved liver. He would have Mina cook it for dinner that night. Despite all his complaints about her, she was a very good cook. While George ate his lunch, Mina told him that a rich old woman in town had died. Her body was in the church next door. It was in an open coffin. Anyone who wanted to see her could. As usual, George was not interested in what she had to say. "I've got to go back to work," he told her.

After he left, Mina began to cook the liver. She added vegetables and spices and simmered it all afternoon, just the way George liked it. When she thought it was done, she cut off a small piece and tasted it. It was delicious, the best she had ever made. She ate a second piece. Then a third. It was so good, she could not stop eating it. It was only when the liver was all gone that she thought of George. He would be coming home soon. What would he do when he found that she had eaten all of the liver? Some men would laugh - but not George. He would be angry and mean, and she did not want to face that again. But where could she get another piece of liver that late in the day. Then she remembered the old woman lying in the church next door waiting to be buried....

George said he had never had a better dinner. "Have some liver, Mina," he said. "It's just delicious." "I'm not hungry," she said. "You finish it." That night, after George had fallen asleep, Mina sat in bed trying to read. But all she could think about was what she had done. Then she thought she heard the woman's voice. "Who has my liver?" it asked. "Who has it?" Was it her imagination? Was she dreaming? Now the voice was closer. "Who has my liver?" it asked. "Who has it?" Mina wanted to run. "No, no," she whispered. "I don't have it. I don't have your liver." Now the voice was right next to her. "Who has my liver?" it asked. "Who has it?" Mina froze with terror. She pointed to George. "He does," she said. "He has it!"

Suddenly the light went out - and George screamed, and screamed.


Scary Stories
to Tell in the Dark

Strange and Scary ThingsThe Big ToeThe WalkWhat Do You Come For?Me Tie Dough-ty Walker!A Man Who Lived In LeedsOld Woman All Skin and BoneThe ThingCold As ClayThe White WolfThe Haunted HouseThe GuestsThe Hearse SongThe Girl Who Stood on a GraveA New HorseAlligatorsRoom for One MoreThe WendigoThe Dead Man's BrainsMay I Carry Your Basket?The HookThe White GownHigh BeamsThe BabysitterThe ViperThe AtticThe Slithery-DeeAaron Kelly's BonesWait Till Martin ComesThe Ghost with the Bloody Fingers

More Scary Stories
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Scary Stories 3:
More Tales to Chill your Bones

Boo MenThe AppointmentThe Bus StopFaster And FasterJust DeliciousHello, Kate!The Black DogFootstepsLike Cats' EyesBessHaroldThe Dead HandSuch Things HappenThe Wolf GirlThe DreamSam's New PetMaybe You Will RememberThe Red SpotNo, ThanksThe TroubleStrangersThe HogIs Something Wrong?It's Him!T-H-U-P-P-P-P-P-P-P!You May Be The Next...